The range of wavelengths deployed during IPL Therapy targets the melanin (darker pigmentation) just beneath the surface of the skin. The light causes damage, which in turn causes the body to expel the damaged pigment from its system. This action reduces the appearance of uneven pigmentation by targeting only the darker areas of skin. In addition to the improvements in skin tone, skin texture is also improved thanks to the release of collagen encouraged by the treatment process.

The wavelengths of light raise the temperature of the targeted areas forcing elastin and collagen to be released. These natural proteins help to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles for a younger-looking, more taut appearance.

IPL Therapy can successfully treat unsightly thread veins on the face, chest and hands.
The wavelengths of light heat and damage the walls of the blood vessels forcing them to collapse and eventually be reabsorbed by the body.

Dye VL is a non-invasive treatment that uses the combination of two trusted technologies known as Pulsed Dye laser and an advanced form of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).

Treatment time

10-20 mins


None require

Number of treatments


Full recovery

0-7 days depending on treatment settings

Back to work time


Sensitivity period

1-2 days

Duration on results

Long term with a good skincare regime

Risks & complications rarerly

Burns, scarring, pigment change

Skin conditions

Before & After


Yes, we have various modalities which can remove pigment including our signature In-Motion technology which allows us to treat large areas quickly with virtually no pain.

Majority of our pigment removal treatments are very comfortable, if not
virtually pain free. You may feel a slight prick of heat depending on the
modality your practitioner uses, but this sensation is eeting.

Usually there is no downtime following a pigment removal treatment.
However, everyone’s skin reacts dierent and it is best to consult with your

This will vary depending on the modality used by your practitioner. The
number of treatments usually ranges from 2 to 6.

You will see results approximately
1 week post treatment.


With Zemits Skin Analyser